MINUTES OF MEETING KNIGHTSBRIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Knightsbridge Community Development District was held Monday, May 1, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the Oasis Club at ChampionsGate at 1520 Oasis Club Blvd., ChampionsGate, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Adam Morgan Chairman Rob Bonin Vice Chairman Steve Greene Assistant Secretary Harry Kaplan Assistant Secretary Nicole Henley Assistant Secretary Also present were: George Flint District Manager Kristen Trucco District Counsel Amanda Udstad District Engineer Alan Scheerer Field Manager FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Flint called the meeting to order and called the roll. All five members of the Board were present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Flint: No members of the public are present to provide comments. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the March 6, 2023 Meeting Mr. Flint: You have the minutes from March 6th, are there any comments or corrections to those? Mr. Morgan: They look fine, I make a motion to accept. DocuSign Envelope ID: 96278AD0-4630-46AB-9C95-DCAB009FEA32 May 1, 2023 Knightsbridge CDD 2 On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Ms. Henley, with all in favor, the Minutes of the March 6, 2023 Meeting, were approved, as presented. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2023-11 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and Setting a Public Hearing Mr. Flint: Next is Resolution 2023-11 approving the proposed budget and setting the time of the public hearing. We are recommending August 7th for your public hearing at 2:00 p.m. at this location. Exhibit ‘A’ which is attached to the resolution as the proposed budget, we still have a portion of the project as developer contribution. So, what we have done is we estimated a buildout budget and we included the phases. Phase one that is currently owned by Lennar is being assessed and phase two we are showing as developer contribution. We don’t anticipate that there will be $264,000 in developer contributions, we are just balancing the total buildout budget against the assessments and the developer contributions. Mr. Morgan: Understood. I make a motion to approve based on amending the time of the meeting. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Ms. Henley, with all in favor, Resolution 2023-11 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and Setting a Public Hearing for August 7, 2023 at 2:00 p.m., was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Flint: Next is staff reports. Kristen, any attorney’s report? Ms. Trucco: My only update is we have sent the conveyance documents to Toho Water Authority for the lift station along with the title work, so we are just waiting for comments back on that one. Mr. Bonin: So, the full packet went into them there too? Ms. Trucco: Yes. They have the title work and the conveyance documents. As we get closer to completion, we’ll need you guys to order that survey and a cost estimate from the District Engineer. My understanding is that we are not quite there yet. Mr. Morgan: How far are we on that station? DocuSign Envelope ID: 96278AD0-4630-46AB-9C95-DCAB009FEA32 May 1, 2023 Knightsbridge CDD 3 Mr. Bonin: We are close. The pumps and panels are there. Just not by the fence. That reminds me, the fence. If you do a concrete fence, it has to be eight-feet instead of six-feet. I have to talk back to the engineer. His plans had on there a six-foot concrete fence. The city of Kissimmee and Toho’s requirement if you do a concrete fence it’s got to be eight feet. I didn’t really want to do a six-foot fence let a lone an eight-foot concrete fence. So, if they’re going to require eight feet, then we’re back to the vinyl dipped chain-link. I need to find out the answer. Mr. Morgan: Thank you Kristen. Ms. Trucco: Absolutely, thank you. B. Engineer Mr. Flint: Engineer’s report, anything? Ms. Udstad: I don’t have anything. C. District Manager’s Report i. Approval of Check Register Mr. Flint: You have the check register. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kaplan, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Flint: The unaudited financials through the end of March are in your agenda. If there are any questions, we can discuss those. It’s pretty straight forward. iii. Ratification of Funding Request #7 Mr. Flint: Hearing none, we have funding request number seven that was submitted to the developer under the developer funding agreement for $5,145.73. Any questions on the funding request? If not, is there a motion to ratify it? On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kaplan, with all in favor, Funding Request #7, was ratified. DocuSign Envelope ID: 96278AD0-4630-46AB-9C95-DCAB009FEA32 May 1, 2023 Knightsbridge CDD 4 SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business A. Discussion of Pending Plat Conveyances B. Status of Permit Transfers Mr. Flint: Any discussion of any palts, conveyances, or permit transfers? Mr. Morgan: I think we’re good on that. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Flint: If there is nothing else is there a motion to adjourn? On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Ms. Henley, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 96278AD0-4630-46AB-9C95-DCAB009FEA32