Community Development District Adopted Budget FY2025 Knightsbridge 1-2 3-6 7 8 Amortization Schedule - Series 2024 Table of Contents General Fund General Fund Narrative Debt Service Fund - Series 2024 Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 3 MNoenxtths 9Pr/To3jh0erc/ut2e4d AFBYduo2dp0gt2ee5td ADRseesvveeeslnsomupeeesnr tCsontributions $$ 125614,,067837 $$ 1 5 51,,290509 $$ 3 9 , 5 -86 $$ 1 4541,,795869 $$ 125714,,061757 Total Revenues $ 415,760 $ 157,159 $ 39,586 $ 196,744 $ 425,692 Expenditures General & Administrative Supervisor Fees 12,000 $ 6,200 $ 1,600 $ 7,800 $ 12,000 $ FICA Expenditures 918 $ 474 $ 122 $ 597 $ 918 $ Engineering 10,000 $ 2,604 $ 868 $ 3,472 $ 10,000 $ Attorney 20,000 $ 17,719 $ 5,000 $ 22,719 $ 20,000 $ Annual Audit 5,000 $ - $ 3,350 $ 3,350 $ 5,000 $ Assessment Administration 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,250 $ Arbitrage 900 $ - $ - $ - $ 900 $ Dissemination 7,000 $ 583 $ 875 $ 1,458 $ 7,000 $ Trustee Fees 8,142 $ - $ - $ - $ 8,142 $ Management Fees 40,000 $ 30,000 $ 10,000 $ 40,000 $ 42,500 $ Information Technology 1,800 $ 1,350 $ 450 $ 1,800 $ 1,890 $ Website Maintenance 1,200 $ 900 $ 300 $ 1,200 $ 1,260 $ Telephone 300 $ - $ 75 $ 75 $ 300 $ Postage & Delivery 1,000 $ 74 $ 250 $ 324 $ 1,000 $ Insurance 5,750 $ 5,200 $ - $ 5,200 $ 5,750 $ Copies 1,000 $ 44 $ 250 $ 294 $ 1,000 $ Legal Advertising 5,000 $ 4,162 $ 1,250 $ 5,412 $ 8,700 $ Other Current Charges 2,500 $ 365 $ 625 $ 990 $ 2,500 $ Property Appraiser - $ 295 $ - $ 295 $ - $ Office Supplies 625 $ 2 $ 156 $ 158 $ 625 $ Travel Per Diem 660 $ - $ 165 $ 165 $ 660 $ Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions 175 $ 175 $ - $ 175 $ 175 $ Total General & Administrative 128,970 $ 75,147 $ 25,337 $ 100,484 $ 135,570 $ Knightsbridge Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund 1 Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 3 MNoenxtths 9Pr/To3jh0erc/ut2e4d AFBYduo2dp0gt2ee5td Knightsbridge Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund Operations & Maintenance Field Expenditures Property Insurance 10,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 $ Field Management 15,000 $ 8,750 $ 3,750 $ 12,500 $ 15,750 $ Landscape Maintenance 119,700 $ 29,750 $ 17,625 $ 47,375 $ 119,700 $ Landscape Replacement 10,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 10,000 $ Pond Maintenance 8,026 $ - $ 2,007 $ 2,007 $ 10,608 $ Streetlights 53,064 $ - $ 13,266 $ 13,266 $ 53,064 $ Electric 10,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 10,000 $ Water 30,000 $ 6,272 $ 2,091 $ 8,363 $ 30,000 $ Sidewalk & Asphalt Maintenance 10,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 10,000 $ Irrigation Repairs 6,000 $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 6,000 $ General Repairs & Maintenance 5,000 $ - $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 5,000 $ Stormwater Maintenance 5,000 $ - $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 5,000 $ Field Contingency 5,000 $ - $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 5,000 $ Total Operations & Maintenance 286,790 $ 44,772 $ 51,488 $ 96,261 $ 290,122 $ Total Expenditures 415,760 $ 119,919 $ 76,825 $ 196,744 $ 425,692 $ Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) - $ 37,239 $ (37,239) $ - $ - $ Gross Assessments 161,359 $ (Less: Discounts & Collections 6%) (9,682) $ Net Assessments 151,677 $ Product ERU's Units ERU/Unit Net Total Net Per Unit Gross Per Unit Phase 1 127 127 1.00 151,677 $ 1,194.31 $ 1,270.54 $ Totals 127 127 151,677 $ 2 Knightsbridge Community Development District General Fund Narrative Revenues: Assessments The District will levy a non-ad valorem assessment on all the assessable property order to pay for the operating expenditures during the fiscal year. within the District in Developer Contributions e Txhpee nDdisitturircets fwoirl lt heen Fteisrc ainl Ytoe aar . funding agreement with the Developer to fund the General Fund Expendi tures: General & Administrative: Supervisor Fees $C4h,a8p0t0e rp 1e9r 0y,e Falro priadiad Stota etuactehs S, ualploewrvsi sfoorr feoarc hth Beo taimrde m deevmobteedr ttoo rDeicsetirvicet $ b2u0s0in peesrs manede tminege, tninogt sto. exceed FICA Expenditures SRuepperervseisnotrss cthhee cEksm. ployer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from Board of Engineering Ttphrheoe j DeDciistssttr r aiicsct td,' seir .egen.c gtaeitndtee bneyrd, a tHhnaecm eB iaolntaodrnd p Eornfe gSpiuanpreaeetrrivoininsg of &rosr S amunrdovn etthyheinl yDg ibLsotLraCirc,d tp Mrmoaevneidatiegnseg rgs.e , nreevraiel wen ignivnoeiecreisn ga nsedr vviacreios utos Attorney rTDehisseot rlDiucitsti,to, '.es t lacet. gtaeasnl ddcioarunencctese edla, bnLyda tthhpaerm eBp,o aLaruradnt iaoo, fnE S dufeopnre r&vm iBseoeeartsuin dagnisnd,e tpLhrLeeP Dp, aipsrrtarotivicoitdn Me saa ngnaedgn eerrre.a vli elewg alo sf eravgirceeesm toe nthtse, AoTnnh nea unDa ials nAt rnuiucdati tli sb aresiqsu. ired by Florida Statutes to arrange for an independent audit of its financial records aATsshsseee ssDssmiasbte rlneitc ptA rdwompileiln rcitosytn rwtaritatihocitnn t oth lee Dvyis tarnicdt .a dminister the collection of non-ad valorem assessment on all 3 Knightsbridge Community Development District General Fund Narrative ATDrhisbeti rtDircaitsg’tse r Aicrtb witrilalg ceo Rnetrbaactte wLiiatbhi laitny ionnd aenp eanndtiecnipt acteerdt ibfioendd p isusbulaicn caecsc.o untant to annually calculate the aTDwnhihstesiic ceDhimpi rsainett raleaidtctit eob sinos t norde a qidsusdiuriteaidno ncbeaysl .tr heep oSretcinugri trye qaunidre Emxechnatsn fgoer Cuonmramteisds bioonn dto i scsoumeps.l yT hwisit hco Rstu ilse b1a5sce2d- 1u2p(obn)( a5n) T Trhues Dteies tFreicets will incur trustee related costs with the issuance of its’ anticipated issued bonds. Management Fees p nTArohgetre pe Daelirmmiasettirtinoeictdn tw , ratietlolhc , fe iGinrvoeaevcnsoec rrMidnalaim nrngeea npgtoaearnmlt dsMe ,n aattrnn, anaAngucseaccmlor aiuepunntdtitoii nStnseg ,r eaovtnifcc d.e b sAo-Cadremdni tnrmiaslet rFealtotinirvgieds a,s ,e aLrdLvmCic. ieTnshi saets rs aeptriavvreitc eossfe iarnv cMilcuaedns,ea gbbeuumtd aegrneett t iA IRmneedcfppoohrlrbnemeeoms,al eMoetnginiotyctsnar votfTioasoeorrnc ifho tt nauhOnosefl df oci Dcogpesyirs,t o tewrtgicrci.tat h m sGmuocivhne gra nfsmo rve infdrteaaoul dMc oapnnrafoegtreeecmnticeoinnntg, S,a eccrclvooiuucdens t-isCntegon rsatrogafetl wFaalnordrei ,d staea,r bLvlLeerCtss ,o ffop iron sfmiotrievmeeta itnpigoasny, Website Maintenance Su Rmtpeoadptnuariettteoessesr,.in ndtTgsoh ctaeuhnsmeed ec smnoestar tuvisnp icwtleaoisiatn hdii snnG,gc ohl uvothedsertein nDmsgii tesaetnn rtdipac eldt ’rMosf omawrnameaibnags nerimecteene ecnawrtse asSaelestse,rs vdwmi ecieenbns st ais–tc,e cC sobeerancdcutkarrnuaitlcp yesF ,l awoentricidtd.h a f,iC rLheLawCpa tlaels rs mo1ac8ii9na,tt eeFdnlo awrniicdteha, Telephone Telephone and fax machine. Postage & Delivery T cohrer eDspisotnridcet nicnec, uertsc . charges for mailing of Board meeting agenda packages, overnight deliveries, Insurance The District’s general liability and public official’s liability insurance coverages. Copies ePnrivnetlionpge asn, edt cb.i nding agenda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, stationary, 4 Knightsbridge Community Development District General Fund Narrative Legal Advertising The District is required to advertise various notices for monthly Board meetings, public a newspaper of general circulation. hearings, etc. in O Bathnekr cChuarrrgeenst aCnhda ragneys o ther miscellaneous expenses incurred during the year. Office Supplies lA anbye lssu, pppaplieers cthliapts m, eatcy. need to be purchased during the fiscal year, e.g., paper, minute books, file folders, Travel Per Diem bTuhsei nBeosasr.d of Supervisors can be reimbursed for travel expenditures related to the conducting of District Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions $T1h7e5 D. iTsthriisc ti si sth ree qounilrye edx ptoe npsaey u annd earn tnhuias lc faetee gtoor yth feo rF tlohrei dDais Dtreicpta. rtment of Economic Opportunity for Operations & Maintenance: Field Expenditures Property Insurance The District’s estimated property insurance coverages with Florida Insurance Alliance. Field Management eRaumnteidplai rtilyelas sk.a eecn cmtosau tihnnetts ee,n eS dBe rocvoaisrctdes s mo tfoe o einntiscniltguesd f eiae nolddn msrietaecne iainvgseep meacnetndiot rnoefss ,c pmoonentedrta itcnotgs sp f orwori ptthhere ct Doy niosttwrrainccetto rs rupsc,h hmo anosen l aictnaodlrlissnc agan podef Landscape Maintenance oRfe tphree sDeinsttrsi tcht ea fetsetrim thaet einds mtaallianttieonna onfc ela onfd tshcea lpaen mdsactaepriinalg h waist hb eFernan cko mPopllleyt Seodd. within the common areas L R aenpdrescsaepnets R tehpel aecsetimmeantte d cost of replacing landscaping within the common areas of the District. Pond Maintenance Represents the estimated costs to maintain the ponds within the District’s boundaries. 5 Knightsbridge Community Development District General Fund Narrative Streetlights Represents the estimated cost to maintain street lights within the District to be placed. Boundaries that are expected Electric Represents estimated electric charges of common areas throughout the District. Water RDeisptrreicste. n ts estimated costs for water and refuse services provided for common areas throughout the Sidewalk & Asphalt Maintenance RBoepurnedsaernyt.s the estimated costs of maintaining the sidewalks and asphalt throughout the District’s Irrigation Repairs iRreripgraetsioennt ws tehlles .c ost of maintaining and repairing the irrigation system. This includes the sprinklers, and GReenperreasle Rntesp aesirtsim &a Mteadi nctoesntas nfocer general repairs and maintenance of the District’s common areas. SRteoprrmewseanttesr eMstaiimntaetneadn ccoes ts for stormwater repair and maintenance in the District’s care. Field Contingency dRoe pnroets feint tins tfou nadnsy afileloldc actaetde gtoor eyx. penditures that the District could incur throughout the fiscal year that 6 Proposed Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 3 MNeoxntths P9r/To3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee5dt ICARnsaetsrveerersynes Fsmutoe eIrsnnwctasor mde Surplus $$$ --- $$$ 7 --79 $$$ 1 6 1 , 82 -3660 $$$ 1 6 1 1 ,,80 -3369 $$$ 14 16 26 ,,18 5372570 Total Revenues $ - $ 779 $ 162,096 $ 162,875 $ 579,532 Expenses IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt -l- 1-0 206/6/1/15155 $$$ 6 3 , 8 --35 $$$ 6 3 , 8 --35 $$$ --- $$$ 6 3 ,8 --35 $$$ 11 669110,,,880330660 Total Expenditures $ 63,835 $ 63,835 $ - $ 63,835 $ 413,673 Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Bond Proceeds $ 271,904 $ 271,904 $ - $ 271,904 $ - Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) $ 271,904 $ 271,904 $ - $ 271,904 $ - Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 208,069 $ 208,848 $ 162,096 $ 370,944 $ 165,860 *Carry forward less amount in Reserve funds. Series 2024 Interest - 12/15/25 $159,924 Product ERU's Units Net Total Net Per Unit Gross Per Unit Phase 1 347 347 $ 416,137 $ 1,199.24 $ 1,275.79 Totals 347 347 $ 416,137 Knightsbridge Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Fund Series 2024 7 Community Development District Series 2024 Special Assessment Bonds Amortization Schedule DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 06/15/24 63,835.41 $ 12/15/24 6,175,000.00 $ - $ 161,836.25 $ 225,671.66 $ 06/15/25 6,175,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 161,836.25 $ 12/15/25 6,085,000.00 $ 159,923.75 $ 411,760.00 $ 06/15/26 6,085,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 159,923.75 $ 12/15/26 5,990,000.00 $ 157,905.00 $ 412,828.75 $ 06/15/27 5,990,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 157,905.00 $ 12/15/27 5,890,000.00 $ 155,780.00 $ 413,685.00 $ 06/15/28 5,890,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 155,780.00 $ 12/15/28 5,785,000.00 $ 153,548.75 $ 414,328.75 $ 06/15/29 5,785,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 153,548.75 $ 12/15/29 5,675,000.00 $ 151,211.25 $ 414,760.00 $ 06/15/30 5,675,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 151,211.25 $ 12/15/30 5,560,000.00 $ 148,767.50 $ 414,978.75 $ 06/15/31 5,560,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 148,767.50 $ 12/15/31 5,440,000.00 $ 146,217.50 $ 414,985.00 $ 06/15/32 5,440,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 146,217.50 $ 12/15/32 5,315,000.00 $ 142,967.50 $ 414,185.00 $ 06/15/33 5,315,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 142,967.50 $ 12/15/33 5,185,000.00 $ 139,587.50 $ 412,555.00 $ 06/15/34 5,185,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 139,587.50 $ 12/15/34 5,045,000.00 $ 135,947.50 $ 415,535.00 $ 06/15/35 5,045,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 135,947.50 $ 12/15/35 4,900,000.00 $ 132,177.50 $ 413,125.00 $ 06/15/36 4,900,000.00 $ 155,000.00 $ 132,177.50 $ 12/15/36 4,745,000.00 $ 128,147.50 $ 415,325.00 $ 06/15/37 4,745,000.00 $ 160,000.00 $ 128,147.50 $ 12/15/37 4,585,000.00 $ 123,987.50 $ 412,135.00 $ 06/15/38 4,585,000.00 $ 170,000.00 $ 123,987.50 $ 12/15/38 4,415,000.00 $ 119,567.50 $ 413,555.00 $ 06/15/39 4,415,000.00 $ 180,000.00 $ 119,567.50 $ 12/15/39 4,235,000.00 $ 114,887.50 $ 414,455.00 $ 06/15/40 4,235,000.00 $ 190,000.00 $ 114,887.50 $ 12/15/40 4,045,000.00 $ 109,947.50 $ 414,835.00 $ 06/15/41 4,045,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 109,947.50 $ 12/15/41 3,845,000.00 $ 104,747.50 $ 414,695.00 $ 06/15/42 3,845,000.00 $ 210,000.00 $ 104,747.50 $ 12/15/42 3,635,000.00 $ 99,287.50 $ 414,035.00 $ 06/15/43 3,635,000.00 $ 220,000.00 $ 99,287.50 $ 12/15/43 3,415,000.00 $ 93,567.50 $ 412,855.00 $ 06/15/44 3,415,000.00 $ 230,000.00 $ 93,567.50 $ 12/15/44 3,185,000.00 $ 87,587.50 $ 411,155.00 $ 06/15/45 3,185,000.00 $ 245,000.00 $ 87,587.50 $ 12/15/45 2,940,000.00 $ 80,850.00 $ 413,437.50 $ 06/15/46 2,940,000.00 $ 260,000.00 $ 80,850.00 $ 12/15/46 2,680,000.00 $ 73,700.00 $ 414,550.00 $ 06/15/47 2,680,000.00 $ 275,000.00 $ 73,700.00 $ 12/15/47 2,405,000.00 $ 66,137.50 $ 414,837.50 $ 06/15/48 2,405,000.00 $ 290,000.00 $ 66,137.50 $ 12/15/48 2,115,000.00 $ 58,162.50 $ 414,300.00 $ 06/15/49 2,115,000.00 $ 305,000.00 $ 58,162.50 $ 12/15/49 1,810,000.00 $ 49,775.00 $ 412,937.50 $ 06/15/50 1,810,000.00 $ 325,000.00 $ 49,775.00 $ 12/15/50 1,485,000.00 $ 40,837.50 $ 415,612.50 $ 06/15/51 1,485,000.00 $ 340,000.00 $ 40,837.50 $ 12/15/51 1,145,000.00 $ - $ 31,487.50 $ 412,325.00 $ 06/15/52 1,145,000.00 $ 360,000.00 $ 31,487.50 $ 12/15/52 785,000.00 $ 21,587.50 $ 413,075.00 $ 06/15/53 785,000.00 $ 380,000.00 $ 21,587.50 $ 12/15/53 405,000.00 $ 11,137.50 $ 412,725.00 $ 06/15/54 405,000.00 $ 405,000.00 $ 11,137.50 $ 416,137.50 $ 12/15/54 6,175,000.00 $ 6,466,380.41 $ 12,641,380.41 $ Knightsbridge 8